MRI Imaging

Get an MRI at American Health Imaging

MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging – a non-invasive medical imaging technique used to visualize internal structures of the body in detail for diagnostic purposes to help your doctor determine the next steps in your care.

AHI’s state-of-the-art faster scanning MRI technology reduces the scan time by 50% for a more comfortable imaging experience.

How It Works

Magnetic resonance imaging (an MRI) produces detailed images of your insides using magnets and radio waves. While X-rays help visualize bones and joints, MRI is called upon for soft tissues.

Find an American Health Imaging center offering MRI appointments near you!

Reasons for MRI Imaging

MRI is valuable for diagnosing and monitoring a variety of conditions, such as injuries, abnormalities, or diseases in organs and tissues. It is particularly useful for imaging the brain, spinal cord, joints, and soft tissues, providing clear and detailed pictures without the use of ionizing radiation, which is a characteristic of X-rays and CT scans. Physicians often request an MRI to evaluate issues affecting the brain, and nervous system, musculoskeletal system, pelvic and abdominal organs, blood vessels, breasts, joints, heart and more.

Patient Reviews

At American Health Imaging we provide a welcoming and comforting experience with helpful and friendly staff. See what our patients say.

Why Choose American Health Imaging

American Health Imaging (AHI) is in-network with 99% of insurance plans for MRI imaging, offering scans at significantly lower costs compared to hospital-based imaging – up to 60% less.

We prioritize your convenience, providing same day and next day appointments. Many of our outpatient imaging locations have extended and weekend hours to accommodate your busy schedule.

Fellowship-trained, subspecialty radiologists will provide your doctors with clear and precise results to aid in making an accurate diagnosis.*

MRI Frequently Asked Questions

What is an MRI?

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a safe, pain-free diagnostic imaging technique that combines magnets and radio waves to create detailed images of your body’s structures. While X-rays are typically used to view bones and joints, MRI is better suited for organs, muscles, and other soft tissues. Ultimately, being able to see detailed images of these tissues allows doctors to diagnose and monitor heart diseases, tumors, and a variety of internal injuries.

What are the advantages of MRI over other diagnostic imaging technologies?

While MRI exams cost more than CT scans and X-rays, they offer a few key advantages. Most importantly, they allow radiologists to spot slight abnormalities in soft tissues, which may indicate the presence of cancer, heart disease, and other serious conditions. Likewise, MRI images help doctors differentiate between healthy and unhealthy tissues.

In addition to its diagnostic benefits, MRI is a radiation-free imaging technique. This is a particularly important advantage for pregnant women and patients with compromised immune systems.

Why has my doctor ordered an MRI exam?

If your doctor has opted for MRI over CT or X-ray, you may be wondering why they have chosen the more expensive exam. Their reasoning will depend upon your specific condition, but generally, physicians order MRI when they need to spot fine details and differentiate between normal and abnormal soft tissues. These abnormalities may include tumors, cysts, and blood vessel obstructions, as well as aneurysms, spinal cord defects, and other nervous system disorders. Over the course of your treatment, your MRI could prove invaluable in making an accurate diagnosis and forming a proper treatment plan.

When should my doctor order an MRI exam?

Some conditions warrant MRI exams right away, but doctors usually order them after viewing the results of CT scans, X-rays or other imaging procedures. Given their higher costs, doctors and insurers often want to exhaust other options first.

How is an MRI exam performed?

At the start of your MRI exam, your technologist will ask you to remove jewelry, belts, and other metal objects, and they will help you lie comfortably on a cushioned table. That table will then slide into the circular MRI machine, which contains the large magnet necessary to produce detailed images. As your technologist collects images, they’ll be able to see, hear, and speak to you, alleviating any concerns you may have.

To provide for maximum comfort during your exam, American Health Imaging has invested in MRI machines with large openings and slim profiles, which help to prevent feelings of claustrophobia. You won’t feel like you’re entering a narrow tunnel, and depending upon the area of your body being imaged, your head and feet may still be in the open.

What is an “Open” MRI?

“Open” MRI refers to a specific type of MRI machine with a non-confining opening beside or in front of the patent. During an open MRI exam, the patient sits or stands with magnets positioned to the side or above depending on the brand and model. Compared to traditional MRI, the extra unobstructed space allows for a more pleasant, less confined experience. If your physician has ordered an MRI exam, you may want to check whether an open MRI is an option for the type of imaging study you need.

Is an MRI safe?

A painless, radiation-free imaging technique, MRI is completely safe for most patients. However, pregnant women are still advised not to undergo MRI exams. Given the powerful magnets involved, it’s also important to let your technologists know if you have any metal devices on or inside your body, including:
• Cardiac pacemakers
• Artificial heart valves
• Aneurysm clips
• Inner ear implants
• Intrauterine devices
• Permanent eyeliner
• Metal fragments
• Biostimulators
If a friend or family member is accompanying you to your exam, it’s likewise important to let your technologists know if they have any of these devices.

How do I schedule my MRI exam?

Once your doctor decides an MRI is necessary for your diagnosis, their office will typically notify our staff and schedule your appointment for you. We will then verify your health insurance coverage and obtain any necessary pre-certifications. If you don’t have health insurance, or if you’re facing a high deductible, we also offer excellent self-pay rates.

We offer same-day, evening and weekend appointments to ensure your exam fits within your normal schedule.

How should I prepare for my MRI exam?

MRI exams require no special preparation. Eat and drink normally, and follow your prescribed medication dosing unless your doctor advises otherwise. Dress in loose, comfortable clothes with no metal snaps or zippers.

How long will my MRI exam take?

Most MRI exams can be completed in 30 to 60 minutes. Your doctor may request that your MRI is enhanced using a contrast medium. MRI exams with contrast usually take a few minutes longer than the same exam without contrast. More time may be required if your doctor has ordered multiple studies.

AHI now offers Faster Scanning MRI technology at many locations reducing scan time to 6-15 minutes for most studies. These shorter scan times create a better imaging experience for anxious patients or patients that are in pain.

Can a friend or family member be in the room with me during the exam?

In most cases, yes. However, it is important to advise our staff if your guest is pregnant or has any metallic objects on or inside their body.

Is it safe for patients with dental fillings or braces to have an MRI?

Yes. Your teeth and dental work will not be affected by the exam.

Can I drive home after my MRI exam?

Most patients do not require sedation and will be able to drive immediately following the exam. If you do require a sedative to relax, however, please arrange for a friend or relative to drive you home.

How long does it take for my doctor to get the results of my MRI exam?

Radiologists review and interpret MRI exams as soon as the results are available.* Within 24 hours to a few days, your physician will have a thorough written report, as well as copies of the images for their own inspection.

As a patient, you will receive a text message with a link to view a patient friendly version of your imaging report with easy to understand explanations to medical terminology and anatomical diagrams to better prepare for your follow-up conversation with your doctor.

How much will my MRI cost?

Your total costs will depend upon the specific type of exam and the area being imaged. For instance, images of the brain and spinal cord tend to cost more than images of the abdomen and limbs.

MRI costs also vary widely by location. Hospitals and large outpatient facilities typically charge more than smaller, standalone clinics – far more, in some cases. These difference in price aren’t due to differences in quality, however, but different overhead costs. While hospitals must offer a wide variety of services 24 hours per day, dedicated imaging centers can efficiently offer more affordable exams.

How can I reduce my out-of-pocket costs?

Given rising healthcare costs, it only makes sense to shop for the most affordable care. At a typical hospital you can expect your MRI exam to cost between $2,000 and $3,500, and you may face multiple bills for a single visit.

Fortunately, dedicated imaging centers offer a quality alternative at a significantly lower price. At American Health Imaging, we offer the same exams for up to 60% less than hospitals and hospital-owned outpatient facilities. What’s more, you’ll only receive one easy-to-understand bill.

While our services are value-priced, partners and our equipment are top-of-the-line. By focusing only on diagnostic imaging, specialized, expertly trained radiologists read the images and we invest in the newest, highest-quality MRI equipment. We also offer extra amenities you won’t find at hospitals, including curbside parking, same-day scheduling and next-day results.

Don’t pay more than you need to for your MRI. To save hundreds or even thousands of dollars, schedule your procedure at an American Health Imaging center today.

What is a Faster Scanning MRI?

AHI’s faster scanning MRI technology provides optimal patient comfort during the MRI with 50% faster scan times than traditional MRIs. Non-contrast MRI exams can be performed in as little as 6 minutes. AHI provides faster scanning MRI technology at most locations.

Do you need to schedule a MRI?

American Health Imaging offers same-day and next-day appointment options to make getting an imaging scan convenient. Get a referral from your doctor, find the American Health Imaging center closest to you, and then call to schedule an imaging appointment.